[CUDA/C++] CUDA Path Tracer
Feature Introduction A GPU CUDA path tracer with serval visual effects and optimations that utilizes GPU parallelism. Visual Effects Materials Overview Rays are shot from camera and bouncing around in the scene. Material surface properties determine the way rays behave. For every bounce in every ray, a shading function will be called to compute the…
[Houdini/C++] FluidFoam – A SPH Fluid Simulation Solution as Houdini Plugin
Github Repo: https://github.com/Cryszzz/FluidFoam Please refer to the github readme for more details! Introduction: This is the Houdini Plugin tool that is based on paper Turbulent Micropolar SPH fluid with Foam. This tool brings realistic fluid and foam generation capabilities to Houdini, filling gaps in existing functionality. Final Render: Motivation: Foam Types: Workflow: There are in total…
[Maya Plug-in][C++][Procedural] A L-System Maya plugin
The work is published in Github: https://github.com/lyifaxxx/MyMayaLSystem L-system is a good way to simulate plants and is widely used in artificial lives. This project is developed in C++ with OpenMaya API. User can determine the iteration rules by upload a txt file. The branch length and angles can also be modified easily. 0. Build and…
[C++/OpenGL] Mini-Minecraft
This is the final project of CIS 560 Interactive Computer Graphics. In this project I implemented the following features: Efficient Terrain Rendering and Chunking Efficient chunk rendering Interleaved vertex data To better store and use the vertex attributes, I wrote a struct “BlockFace” which has the direction, position, normal and color data of a face…
[OpenGL/C++/Qt] Shader Fun
In this project, I implemented several vertex/fragment shaders and post-processing shaders in OpenGL pipeline. Surface Shaders Below are some examples of effects implemented in vertex/fragment shader . Matcap Reflection Shader The basic idea of this shader is to map the (x, y) coordinates of the surface normal of a fragment to a point in the…